What are porcelain veneers?
Lente de contato dental - a dental contact lens. Porcelain veneers are thin pieces of ceramic that are custom made to be placed on the front surface of your teeth. Each veneer fits precisely over its corresponding tooth; almost like a contact lens.
What are porcelain veneers used for?
Porcelain veneers can be used in a variety of applications. In a smile makeover case where we are looking to improve the colour, shape and symmetry of the teeth simultaneously, we may use 6 to 10 veneers on the upper front teeth to achieve a beautiful and uniform appearance. In other cases where just one or two of the teeth are misshapen or discoloured, we may place veneers on these teeth to allow them to blend in with the natural teeth.
What kind of conditions can porcelain veneers be used to correct?
Misshapen teeth
Asymmetrical smile
Hidden/sunken smile - not showing enough teeth when smiling
Discoloured teeth
Teeth with uneven surface
Small teeth/gaps between teeth